Orchard Core 1.0.0-beta1¶
Release date: November 21st 2017
- Updating to ASP.NET Core 2.0.1 #1223
- Create static file provider feature #1222
- Skip ImageShape when no resize command is set #1206
- Adding IsNew on BuildEditorContext #1194
- Updates liquid / templates docs. #1188
- Support X-Forwarded-Host for tenants #1185
- build_display filter also allow a JObject input. #1181
- Update LayerMetadataWelder.cs #1180
- html_classify liquid filter. #1177
- Fixes matching tags in Features.cshtml #1176
- Markdownify liquid filter. #1175
- Fixes reloading lucene query editor on error #1173
- Update LayerMetadataWelder.cs #1174
- Fixing query editor #1171
- Fixing tether url #1168
- Refactoring prefix generation #1161
- Working on build_display liquid filter. #1142
- Unused lines in modules csproj files. #1160
- Fixes razor pages if no shell feature manager. #1159
- Update README.md #1155
- Add missing The Agency Theme thumbnail #1144
- Invoking IModularTenantEvents.Terminating events #1133
- Creating ContentPart alternates automatically #1135
- Issue a ChallengeResult for admin pages #1132
- Update vscode settings #1126
- Allows to congifure a global tenant middleware. #1113
- Fix agency.recipe.json's hardcoded contentItemIds #1122
- Prevents recipes from being copied twice. #1114
- Adding support for ORCHARD_APP_DATA environment variable #1111
- Fixed spaces for checkbox #1110
- Update README.md #1107
- Skip the copy step of content/razor/liquid files when there is none. #1106
- Fixes null reference when ModularPageRazorFileProvider is no part of a composite. #1102
- Allowing async drivers #1084
- Don't show irrelevant menu items #1090
- Update LiquidViewFilters.cs #1067
- Fix parsing if default po header is added to po file #1088
- Changes admin menu so that it is displayed on status codes other than 3xx #1079
- Add liquidTemplate rendering in HtmlField. #1066
- Adds User extension example to Demo module #1060
- changed string encoding in template preview #1006
- Displays list of IUsers as SummaryAdmin #1055
- Makes IUser extensible #1054
- Fixing part display name edition #1057
- Fixes packages import files. #1053
- Typos in Layout.liquid #1042
- Adds All Features deployment step #1034
- Removed obsolete project #1031
- Fixes a couple of user validation issues #1028
- Renaming Bundle to Application #997
- Update tag helper context attributes. #1001
- Provides default route names for razor pages. #1002
- Renaming media_url to asset_url to match Assets #1003
- Setup page handles no recipes available gracefully #1019
- Reusing compiled views across tenants #999
- Prevent MVC from populating an ApplicationPart for each module. #991
- Building docker images on linux #990
- Working on ILiquidTemplateEventHandler. #984
- Set Blog BodyPart Position after AutoroutePart #978
- Cleanup code #974
- Pages in any extension subpaths + path checkings. #967
- Creating Docker Hub image from CI #968
- Renaming OrchardCore #966
- Unused themeManager service in this part of code. #954
- Remove InvariantNumberLiteral. #958
- Fixes NLog and features warnings. #955
- Uses "Microsoft.NET.Sdk" for modules #956
- Remove cms.recipe.json #952
- Fixes setup. #953
- Razor pages #943
- PO Files and Pluralization support #732
- Add more flexibility to Users/Roles (Merge Users branch into Master) #810
- Removing Event Bus #946
- Open id scope #941
- Renaming "Fluid" to "Liquid" #939
- Fixes scope validation in OpenId. #940
- Optimizing liquid tag helpers support. #937
- NET Core 2.0 migration #887
- The Agency #933
- Fluid view #881
- Improve blog recipe #915
- Adding support for media that are not images #911
- Better preview features #897
- Fixes dynamic content id in CMS recipe #896
- Media and Templates #889
- Adding missing services for multi-tenancy #884
- Manage themes from admin #781
- Auto watching module project razor files and static files. #806
- Fixes Theme ordering #867
- Update ThemingFileProvider.cs #868
- Update RazorPage.cs #869
- Update OrchardCore.Cms.csproj #865
- Fixes #851 #861
- #850 Support service suppression #853
- Added 'Configuring Certificates' section OpenId README #845
- Module startup classes now get the same instance of service collection so that services aren't added multiple times to the tenant container. #843
- OpenId UserInfo endpoint hint and POST #846
- upgrade nlog and yaml #833
- #829 Updated Orchard.Cms.Web to publish Nlog.config #835
- Fixes issue #830 #831
- Moving settings to use asp configuration properly. #826
- Using Fluid instead of DotLiquid #823
- Prevent Setup if the password is invalid #819
- Add an overload to Shape method in DisplayDriverBase #824
- Fixing the shape factory events #816
- Fix log filename format #820
- Updating Castle.Core version #815
- Adding RequireFeaturesAttribute #795
- Adding Orchard.Liquid module #785
- Added an overload of Combine method #805
- Add ability to remove MenuItems #780
- Add Messages zone into TheTheme #800
- Missing permission check #799
- Refactor IContentItemIdGenerator #796
- Fixing deferred task database locking #782
- Fixing tests #784
- Upgrade Libs #779
- Watching Modules / Themes razor files #686
- Validating ClientSecret using password validators #778
- Sql Queries #771
- Use DateEditor value to initialize CommonPart.CreatedUtc #774
- Fix openid settings jquery selectors #769
- Updated OpenIddict version and Nuget sources #773