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Data (OrchardCore.Data)

Configuring Databases

Most database configuration is handled automatically, but there are limited options which can affect the way the database works.


UseConnectionPooling (boolean)

By default in .NET 6, Microsoft.Data.Sqlite pools connections to the database. It achieves this by putting locking the database file and leaving connections open to be reused. If the lock is preventing tasks like backups, this functionality can be disabled.

There may be a performance penalty associated with disabling connection pooling.

See the Microsoft.Data.Sqlite documentation for more details.

    "OrchardCore_Data_Sqlite": {
        "UseConnectionPooling": false

Configuring YesSql

OrchardCore uses the YesSql library to interact with the configured database provider. YesSql is shipped with configuration that is suitable for most use cases. However, you can change these settings by configuring YesSqlOptions. YesSqlOptions provides the following configurable options.

Setting Description
CommandsPageSize Gets or sets the command page size. If you have to many queries in one command, YesSql will split the large command into multiple commands.
QueryGatingEnabled Gets or sets the QueryGatingEnabled option in YesSql.
IdGenerator You can provide your own implementation for generating ids.
IdentifierAccessorFactory You can provide your own value accessor factory.
VersionAccessorFactory You can provide your own version accessor factory.
ContentSerializer You can provide your own content serializer.
EnableThreadSafetyChecks Gets or sets the EnableThreadSafetyChecks option in YesSql, which aids in diagnosing concurrency or race condition issues.

For example, you can change the default command-page-size from 500 to 1000 by adding the following code to your startup code.

services.Configure<YesSqlOptions>(options =>
    options.CommandsPageSize = 1000;

You may configure CommandsPageSize, QueryGatingEnabled, and EnableThreadSafetyChecks options using a configuration provider like appsettings.json using the following

"OrchardCore_YesSql": {
    "CommandsPageSize": 500,
    "QueryGatingEnabled": true,
    "EnableThreadSafetyChecks": false

## Database table

The following database table settings, only used as presets before a given tenant is setup, can be provided from any configuration source.

| Setting | Description |
| --- | --- |
| `DefaultDocumentTable` | Document table name, defaults to 'Document'. |
| `DefaultTableNameSeparator` | Table name separator, one or multiple '_', "NULL" means no separator, defaults to '_'. |
| `DefaultIdentityColumnSize` | Identity column size, 'Int32' or 'Int64', defaults to 'Int64'. |

#### Configuration Source (ex., `appsettings.json`)

"OrchardCore_Data_TableOptions": {
    "DefaultDocumentTable": "Document",
    "DefaultTableNameSeparator": "_",
    "DefaultIdentityColumnSize": "Int64"

Running SQL queries

Creating a DbConnection instance

To get a new DbConnection pointing to the same database as the running site, use IDbConnectionAccessor from the OrchardCore.Data namespace in the Orchard.Data.Abstractions package..

Writing database provider agnostic queries

Once a connection has been created, a custom ISqlDialect can be obtained from IStore from the YesSql namespace in the YesSql.Abstractions package. This service provides methods to build SQL queries that can will be use the syntax of the underlying connection.

Handling prefixed tables

Each tenant in an Orchard Core application can have a table prefix. When building custom queries it is necessary to take it into account. It is available by resolving ShellSettings and accessing the TablePrefix setting. It is available from the OrchardCore.Environment.Shell namespace in the OrchardCore.Abstractions package.


The following example uses Dapper to execute a SQL query.

using Dapper;
using OrchardCore.Data;
using OrchardCore.Environment.Shell

public sealed class AdminController : Controller
    private readonly IDbConnectionAccessor _dbAccessor;
    private readonly IStore _store;
    private readonly string _tablePrefix;

    public AdminController(IDbConnectionAccessor dbAccessor, IStore store, ShellSettings settings)
        _dbAccessor = dbAccessor;
        _store = store;
        _tablePrefix = settings["TablePrefix"];

    public async Task<ActionResult> Query()
       await using (var connection = _dbAccessor.CreateConnection())
            var dialect = _store.Configuration.SqlDialect;
            var customTable = dialect.QuoteForTableName($"{_tablePrefix}CustomTable");

            var model = await connection.QueryAsync<CustomTable>($"SELECT * FROM {customTable};");

            return View(model);

    public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteUsingTransaction()
       await using (var connection = _dbAccessor.CreateConnection())
           using (var transaction = await connection.BeginTransactionAsync())
                    var dialect = _store.Configuration.SqlDialect;
                    var customTable1 = dialect.QuoteForTableName($"{_tablePrefix}CustomTable1");
                    var customTable2 = dialect.QuoteForTableName($"{_tablePrefix}CustomTable2");

                    var command1 = $"DELETE FROM {customTable1};";
                    var command2 = $"DELETE FROM {customTable2};";

                    await connection.ExecuteAsync(command1);
                    await connection.ExecuteAsync(command2);

                    await transaction.CommitAsync();
                    // If an exception occurs the transaction is rollbacked
                    await transaction.RollbackAsync();

                return Content("Done!");

    public async Task<ActionResult> DeleteNoTransaction()
       await using (var connection = _dbAccessor.CreateConnection())
            var dialect = _store.Configuration.SqlDialect;
            var customTable1 = dialect.QuoteForTableName($"{_tablePrefix}CustomTable1");
            var customTable2 = dialect.QuoteForTableName($"{_tablePrefix}CustomTable2");

            var command = $"DELETE FROM {customTable1}; DELETE FROM {customTable2};";

            await connection.ExecuteAsync(command);

            return Content("Done!");