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Localization (OrchardCore.Localization)

This module provides the infrastructure necessary to support the PO (Portable Object) localization file format.
It also supports plural forms.

Online translations


The localization files for the different cultures are available on Crowdin.

PO files locations

PO files are found at these locations:

  • For each module and theme all files matching [ModuleLocation]/Localization/[CultureName].po
  • All files matching /Localization/[CultureName].po
  • For each tenant all files matching /App_Data/Sites/[TenantName]/Localization/[CultureName].po
  • For each module and theme all files matching
  • /Localization/[ModuleId]/[CultureName].po
  • /Localization/[ModuleId]-[CultureName].po
  • /Localization/[CultureName]/[ModuleId].po

[CultureName] can be either the culture neutral part, e.g. fr, or the full one, e.g. fr-CA.

It is suggested to put your localization files in the /Localization/ folder if you are using docker.
Especially if mounting a volume at /App_Data/ as mounting hides pre-existing files.


If you edit a .po file, you need to restart the application to make your change effective.

Publishing Localization files

The PO files need to be included in the publish output directory. Add the following configurations to your [Web Project].csproj file to include them as Content.

    <Content Include="Localization\**" >


Translation files can be provided by a module, in that case they are embedded automatically in the module assembly unless Visual Studio added some bad item groups in the project file.

Recipe Step

Cultures can be added during recipes using the settings step. Here is a sample step:

  "name": "settings",
  "LocalizationSettings": {
    "DefaultCulture":  "fr",
    "SupportedCultures": [ "fr", "en" ]


  • /Localization/fr.po
  • /Localization/fr-CA.po
  • /Localization/es-MX.po

File format

This article explains how PO files are organized, including plural forms.

Translation contexts

To prevent entries in different PO files from overriding each other, they define a context for each translation string.
For instance two views could use the string named Hello but they might have different translation. It's then necessary to provide two entries and specify which context is associated with each translation. In this case each view name is a context.

From a View

The context string must match the view location up to the module folder.


Assuming the view's path is TheAdmin\Views\Layout.cshtml.

PO File

msgctxt "TheAdmin.Views.Layout"
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Bonjour"

From a Service

The context string must match the full name of the type the localizer is injecting in.


namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyService : IMyService
        private readonly IStringLocalizer S;

        public MyService(IStringLocalizer<MyService> localizer)
            S = localizer;

        public void DoSomething()

PO file

msgctxt "MyNamespace.MyService"
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Bonjour"


This module also provides support for pluralization. It is necessary to reference the OrchardCore.Localization.Abstractions package in order to be able to use it.

Sample PO file

msgctxt "TheAdmin.Views.Layout"
msgid "{0} book"
msgid_plural "{0} books"
msgstr[0] "[{0} livre]"
msgstr[1] "[{0} livres]"


  • Import the using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization namespace.
  • Inject an instance of IStringLocalizer or IViewLocalizer (represented as the T variable in the following example).

T.Plural(count, "{0} book", "{0} books")
In this example * "{0} book" is the singular form * "{0} books" is the plural form * count will determine if the singular or plural form is used and will replace the {0} placeholder


You should not hardcode a number in the singular or plural forms because different languages have different rules about when each form is used.

Extract translations to PO files

In order to generate the .po files, you can use this tool.

The simpler way to use it is to install it with this command:

dotnet tool install --global OrchardCoreContrib.PoExtractor

Then, you will be able to run this command to generate the .po files:

extractpo <INTPUT_PATH> <OUTPUT_PATH> [-l|--language {"C#"|"VB"}] [-t|--template {"razor"|"liquid"}]
