Media Slugify (OrchardCore.Media.Slugify
The Media Slugify feature enables slugifying assets in the Media Library.
By default the Media Library does not restrict the naming of folders and files. For example having a file The team (2020).jpg
in folder Images & docs
is allowed. The URL of this asset would be /media/Images%20&%20docs/The%20team%20(2020).jpg
This is obviously not a very SEO-friendly URL.
Folders and files can be slugified automatically by enabling the Media Slugify feature. Doing this will rename the example above to the-team-2020.jpg
in folder images-docs
. The URL would be /media/images-docs/the-team-2020.jpg
Different files can have the same slug, making it impossible to upload both without renaming one (e.g. The team (2020).jpg
and The Team 2020.jpg
Enabling the Media Slugify feature will not rename existing folders and files, only new folders and files will be slugified.