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What is a shape?

Please review the following videos to enhance your understanding of shapes:

These videos will provide valuable insights and a clear explanation of various shapes and their properties.

Rendering a shape

You can use the <shape> tag helper to render any shape, even pass properties.

    var intValue = 1;
    var stringValue = "a";

@await DisplayAsync(await New.MyShape(Foo: 1, Bar: "a"))

<shape type="MyShape" foo="1" bar="a" />

<shape type="MyShape" prop-foo="1" bar="a" />

<shape type="MyShape" prop-foo="@intValue" prop-bar="@stringValue" />
{% assign customShape = "MyShape" | shape_new %}
{% shape_add_properties customShape my_string: "String Test 3", my_int: 1 %}
{{ customShape | shape_render }}

{% "MyShape" | shape_new | shape_properties: my_int: 3, my_string: "String Test 3" | shape_render %}

For rendering content items, you could also use the following tag helper. Note: you need to add @addTagHelper *, OrchardCore.Contents.TagHelpers to your _ViewImports.cshtml file to load this tag helper. Ensure your project file also has a reference to OrchardCore.Contents.TagHelpers.

<contentitem alias="alias:main-menu" display-type="Detail" />
{% contentitem alias: "alias:main-menu", display_type: "Detail" %}

Manipulating shape metadata

It's possible to manipulate a shape's metadata by using the metadata tag helper as a child of the shape's tag helper. The metadata tag helper allows you to:

  • Change the display type
  • Add, remove, or clear alternates
  • Add, remove, or clear wrappers

Metadata tag helper example:

<menu alias="alias:main-menu">
    <metadata display-type="summary">
        <clear-alternates />
        <add-alternate name="Menu_Alternate1" />
        <add-alternate name="Menu_Alternate2" />
        <remove-alternate name="Menu_Alternate1" />
        <clear-wrappers />
        <add-wrapper name="Menu_Wrapper1" />
        <add-wrapper name="Menu_Wrapper2" />
        <remove-wrapper name="Menu_Wrapper2" />

Adding properties with additional tag helpers

Properties can be passed to a shape by adding attributes to the shape tag helper, as mentioned above. But you can also use the <add-property> tag helper inside <shape>. This even lets you pass Razor code as properties with the IHtmlContent value, if you omit the value attribute. Something that can't be easily done otherwise.

<shape type="MyShape">
    <add-property name="foo" value="1" />
    <add-property name="bar" value="a" />
    <add-property name="content">
        <h2>Some complicated HTML</h2>
            You can even include shapes:
            <shape type="AnotherShape" prop-count="10" />

This is the same as <shape type="MyShape" pro-foo="1" prop-bar="a" prop-content="@someHtmlContentVariable" /> where you'd have to construct someHtmlContentVariable separately. Of course, you can mix and match the different formats, for example, to only use <add-property> when you want to pass HTML content as property.

Date Time shapes


Renders a Date and Time value using the TimeZone of the request.

Parameter Type Description
Utc DateTime? The date and time to render. If not specified, the current time will be used.
Format string The .NET format string. If not specified the long format dddd, MMMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt will be used. The accepted format can be found at

Tag helper example:

<datetime utc="@contentItem.CreatedUtc" />


Renders a relative textual representation of a Date and Time interval.

Parameter Type Description
Utc DateTime? The initial date and time. If not specified, the current time will be used.
Origin DateTime? The current date and time. If not specified, the current time will be used.

Tag helper example:

<timespan utc="@contentItem.CreatedUtc" />


3 days ago


Renders a duration value using the given TimeSpan.

Parameter Type Description
timeSpan TimeSpan? The time span to render.

Tag helper example:

<duration timeSpan="@TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)" />