Templates (OrchardCore.Templates)

The templates module allows editors to create custom Liquid templates.

Available templates

Templates can be defined using the web editor, or in a theme. Templates are distinguished by their name.
Orchard Core doesn't render HTML directly, but instead will usually render something called a Shape, which is an object that represents the thing to render and has all the necessary data and metadata to render HTML.

When rendering a Shape, Orchard Core will look for specific templates, passing the Shape to this template.
Orchard Core can match with many templates for the same Shape.
These potential templates are called Alternates.
A Shape contains a list of acceptable template names (the alternates) and will look into providers to get the most appropriate one.
For instance, when rendering a Content Item of type Article, the corresponding Shape that is rendered will be configured to look for a template that handles all articles, but also one that handles an article when used in a list, and so on.

This document provides a list of pre-defined templates that can be used when rendering shapes.
It uses the internal name of a template and also the filename in case it's provided by a Theme.

Content templates


This template is called when displaying a content item with the Detail display type, for instance when accessed from its own URL.

Content Examples

Template Filename
Content__BlogPost Content-BlogPost.cshtml
Content__Article Content-Article.cshtml

Content Available properties

Property Description
Model.Content A zone shape that contains all the shapes generated by the content's parts and fields.
Model.ContentItem Represents the current content item being rendered by the template.
Model.ContentItem.Content A JSON object containing all the data of the content item.


This template is called when displaying a content item with a specific display type. For instance, when a content item is displayed in a list, the Summary display type is commonly used.

Content with Display Type Examples

Template Filename
Content_Summary__BlogPost Content-BlogPost.Summary.cshtml
Content_Summary__Article Content-Article.Summary.cshtml

Widget templates


This template is called when a widget is rendered on a page.

Widget Examples

Template Filename
Widget__Paragraph Widget-Paragraph.cshtml
Widget__Blockquote Widget-Blockquote.cshtml

Widget Available properties

Property Description
Model.Content A zone shape that contains all the shapes generated by the widget's parts and fields.
Model.ContentItem Represents the current content item being rendered by the template.
Model.ContentItem.Content A JSON object containing all the data of the content item.
Model.Classes An array of all the classes attached to the widget.

Content Part templates

Each driver is free to return a shape type of its choosing, but the usage is to render a content part using a shape with a name that matches the type name. For instance the HtmlBodyPart content part will return a single shape of type HtmlBodyPart, but the ListPart returns many shapes, one among them being ListPart.

As a consequence the following list of templates use the [ShapeType] term where most of the time it will be equal to the name of the content part. The examples use common content part names for this reason.


The properties available on a shape rendered for a content part are unique for each content part. Please refer to the documentation for each content part.


This template is called when a Content Part is rendered.

Shape Examples

Template Filename
HtmlBodyPart HtmlBodyPart.cshtml
ListPartFeed ListPartFeed.cshtml


This template is called when a Content Part shape type is rendered in a specific display type.

Shape with Display Type Examples

Template Filename
HtmlBodyPart_Summary HtmlBodyPart.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content part type is rendered for a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content with Part Name Examples

Template Filename
Blog__HtmlBodyPart Blog-HtmlBodyPart.cshtml
LandingPage__BagPart LandingPage-BagPart.cshtml
Blog_Summary__HtmlBodyPart Blog-HtmlBodyPart.Summary.cshtml
LandingPage_Summary__BagPart LandingPage-BagPart.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content part name is rendered for a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content with Part Type Examples

Template Filename
LandingPage__Services LandingPage-Services.cshtml
LandingPage_Summary__Services LandingPage-Services.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a shape type is rendered in a given content part type for a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content with Part Name and Shape Examples

Template Filename
Blog__ListPart__ListPartFeed Blog__ListPart__ListPartFeed.cshtml
Blog_Summary__ListPart__ListPartFeed Blog__ListPart__ListPartFeed.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a shape type is rendered in a given content part name for a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content with Part Name and Custom Shape Examples

Template Filename
LandingPage__Services__CustomShape LandingPage-Services-CustomShape.cshtml
LandingPage_Summary__Services__CustomShape LandingPage-Services-CustomShape.Summary.cshtml

Widget parts

All the previous alternates can be used by replacing [ContentType] with Widget whenever a content type has the stereotype Widget. This also applies to any stereotype other than Content.

Content Field templates

Each driver is free to return a shape type of its choosing but the usage is to render a content field using a shape with the same type name. For instance the TextField content field will return a single shape of type TextField, but other fields might return many shapes.

Shape Properties

The properties available on a shape rendered for a content field are unique for each content field. Please refer to each content field documentation.

[ShapeType]_[DisplayType] Field

This template is called when a content field type is rendered in a given display type.

Field And Display Type Examples

Template Filename
TextField_Summary TextField.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field name is rendered for a given content part type when the shape type matches the field type, with or without a given display type.

Part Type and Field Examples

Template Filename
HtmlBodyPart__Description HtmlBodyPart-Description.cshtml
HtmlBodyPart_Summary__Description HtmlBodyPart-Description.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field name is rendered for a given content type and content part name when the shape type matches the field type, with or without a given display type.

Content Type, Part Name and Field Name Examples

Template Filename
Blog__HtmlBodyPart__Description Blog-HtmlBodyPart-Description.cshtml
LandingPage__Services__Image LandingPage-Services-Image.cshtml
Blog_Summary__HtmlBodyPart__Description Blog-HtmlBodyPart-Description.Summary.cshtml
LandingPage_Summary__Services__Image LandingPage-Services-Image.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field type is rendered for a given content type when the shape type matches the field type, with or without a given display type.

Content Type and Field Type Examples

Template Filename
Blog__TextField Blog-TextField.cshtml
LandingPage__TextField LandingPage-TextField.cshtml


This template is called when a content field shape type is rendered for a given content field type, with or without a given display type.

Field Type and Shape Type Examples

Template Filename
CustomField__CustomFieldSummary CustomField-CustomFieldSummary.cshtml
CustomField_Summary__CustomFieldSummary CustomField-CustomFieldSummary.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field shape type is rendered for a given content field name in a given content part type, with or without a given display type.

Part Type, Field Name and Shape Type Examples

Template Filename
HtmlBodyPart__Description__CustomFieldSummary HtmlBodyPart__Description__CustomFieldSummary.cshtml
HtmlBodyPart_Summary__Description__CustomFieldSummary HtmlBodyPart__Description__CustomFieldSummary.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field shape type is rendered for a given content field name in a given content part name in a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content Type, Part Name, Field Name and Shape Type Examples

Template Filename
Blog__HtmlBodyPart__Description__CustomFieldSummary Blog-HtmlBodyPart-Description-CustomFieldSummary.cshtml
LandingPage__Services__Description__CustomFieldSummary LandingPage-Services-Description-CustomFieldSummary.cshtml
Blog_Summary__HtmlBodyPart__Description__CustomFieldSummary Blog-HtmlBodyPart-Description-CustomFieldSummary.Summary.cshtml
LandingPage_Summary__Services__Description__CustomFieldSummary LandingPage-Services-Description-CustomFieldSummary.Summary.cshtml


This template is called when a content field shape type is rendered for a given content field type in a given content type, with or without a given display type.

Content Type, Field Type and Shape Type Examples

Template Filename
Blog__TextField__TextFieldSummary Blog-TextField-TextFieldSummary.cshtml
LandingPage__TextField__TextFieldSummary LandingPage-TextField-TextFieldSummary.cshtml

Shape differentiators

The differentiator uniquely identifies a shape in a zone. When rendering a content item, the shape has a Content property that contains all the shapes provided by content display drivers, including the ones for content parts and content fields.

Differentiators can be used to configure the placement information (c.f. Placement documentation page), or to access specific shapes in a zone using these template helpers:

Content Part differentiator

If the shape type is the same as the content part name, the shape will be named [PartName], e.g. HtmlBodyPart, Services.
If the shape type is different than the content part name, it will be [PartName]-[ShapeType], e.g. ListPart-ListPartFeed

Content Field differentiator

If the shape type is the same as the content field name, the shape will be named [PartName]-[FieldName], e.g. HtmlBodyPart-Description, Services-Image.
If the shape type is different than the content field name, it will be [PartName]-[FieldName]-[ShapeType], e.g. HtmlBodyPart-Description-CustomFieldSummary, Services-Image-ImageFieldSummary


Access a specific shape by name:


Removing a specific shape by name:



Display a shape after removing a specific shape by name:

{% shape_remove_item Model.Content "HtmlBodyPart" %}
{{ Model.Content | shape_render }}

Display a specific shape by name:

{{ Model.Content.HtmlBodyPart | shape_render }}

To access or render the shapes for a field that is added to the content type directly, the [PartName] is equal to the content type.
For instance, given a content type Article with a Text field named Description, the shapes for this field would be named "Article-Description". To render these shapes in Liquid:

{{ Model.Content["Article-Description"] | shape_render }}

In this example the index syntax is necessary, because the name of the differentiator is not compatible with Liquid language.

Instead of rendering the shape directly, you can also access its properties. In the case of a text field you have access to the Field property which has a Text property.

{{ Model.Content["Article-Description"].Field.Text }}

Overriding Views

Some modules (namely the OrchardCore.Users module) allow you to override some of its views in your Theme. Since these views are not shapes, the way to override them is a little different than mentioned above.

View Resolution paths

The ThemeViewLocationExpanderProvider.cs file defines the search paths used by the RazorViewEngine.

  • 2 = area / module
  • 1 = controller
  • 0 = action

Overriding Login view

For example, if you want to override the OrchardCore.Users\Views\Account\Login.cshtml view you would need to create a file in your theme and place it under YourTheme\Views\OrchardCore.Users\Account\Login.cshtml.
For this particular file, you would also need to select the Use site theme for login page option under the Configuration->Login page in the admin.