Getting started with Orchard Core as a NuGet package

In this article, we are going to see how easy it is to create a CMS Web application using the NuGet packages provided by Orchard Core.

You can find the original blog post written by Chris Payne here:

Create an Orchard Core CMS application

In Visual Studio, create a new empty .NET Core web application. Ex: Cms.Web.

If you want to use the dev packages, add this OrchardCore-preview MyGet url to your NuGet sources:

Right-click on the project and click on Manage NuGet packages....
In the Browse tab, search for OrchardCore.Application.Cms.Targets and Install the package.

Open Startup.cs and modify the ConfigureServices method by adding this line:


In the Configure method, replace this block:

app.Run(async (context) =>
    await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!");

with this line:


Add a wwwroot folder to your project

Setup your application

Launch your application (Ctrl+F5). The setup page is displayed.

Enter the required information about the site:

  • The name of the site. Ex: Orchard Core.
  • The theme recipe to use. Ex: Agency.
  • The timezone of the site. Ex: (+01:00) Europe/Paris.
  • The Sql provider to use. Ex: SqLite.
  • The name of the admin user. Ex: admin.
  • The email of the admin. Ex:
  • The password and the password confirmation.

Submit the form and your site is generated after a few seconds.

Then, you can access to the admin using the /admin url. Enjoy.