Taxonomies (OrchardCore.Taxonomies)

This modules provides a Taxonomy content type that is used to define managed vocabularies (categories) of any type.
Taxonomy content items are made of terms organized as a hierarchy. Using the Taxonomy Field allows any content item to be associated with one or many terms of a taxonomy.



This shape is rendered when a TaxonomyField is attached to a content part. The shape base class is of type DisplayTaxonomyFieldViewModel.

The following properties are available on the TaxonomyField class.

Property Type Description
TaxonomyContentItemId string The Content Item id of the taxonomy associated with the field.
TermContentItemIds string[] The list of Content Item ids of the terms selected for this field.


This class is used when displaying a field.

The following properties are available on the DisplayTaxonomyFieldViewModel class.

Property Type Description
Field TaxonomyField The TaxonomyField instance
Part ContentPart The part this field attached to
PartFieldDefinition ContentPartFieldDefinition The part field definition

Orchard Helpers


Returns a the term from its content item id and taxonomy.

@foreach(var termId in Model.TermContentItemIds)
    @await OrchardCore.GetTaxonomyTermAsync(Model.TaxonomyContentItemId, termId);


Returns the list of terms including their parents.

@foreach(var termId in Model.TermContentItemIds)
    @foreach(var parent in await OrchardCore.GetInheritedTermsAsync(Model.TaxonomyContentItemId, termId))


Provides a way to query content items that are categorized with specific terms.

Liquid Tags


The taxonomy_terms filter loads the specified term content items.

taxonomy_terms Example

The following example lists all the terms related to the Colors field on the BlogPost content type, then renders them.

{% assign colors = Model.ContentItem.Content.BlogPost.Colors | taxonomy_terms %}
{% for c in colors %}
  {{ c }}
{% endfor %}

The taxonomy_terms also accepts term content item ids as input, as long as the first argument is a taxonomy content item id.


The following example displays all the colors and their hierarchy

{% assign taxonomyId = Model.ContentItem.Content.BlogPost.Colors.TaxonomyContentItemId %}

{% for colorId in Model.ContentItem.Content.BlogPost.Colors.TermContentItemIds %}
    {% assign parentColors = colorId | inherited_terms: taxonomyId %}
    {% for c in  parentColors %}
      {{ c }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


The inherited_terms filter loads all the parents of a given term.
The input must be a term content item or content item id.
The first argument must be the taxonomy content item or content item id.

Taxonomy Index

The TaxonomyIndex SQL table contains a list of all content items that are associated with a Taxonomy field.
Each record corresponds to a selected term for a field.

Column Type Description
TaxonomyContentItemId string The content item id of the Taxonomy
ContentItemId string The content item id of the categorized content
ContentType string The content type of the categorized content
ContentPart string The content part containing the field
ContentField string The name of the field in the content part
TermContentItemId string The content item id of the categorized Term

For instance if a field has two selected terms, there will be two records with all identical column values except for the TermContentItemId.