Custom Settings (OrchardCore.CustomSettings)

Custom Settings allow a site administrator to create a customized set of properties that are global to the web sites.
These settings are edited in the standard Settings section and can be protected with specific permissions.

Creating Custom Settings

Custom Settings are organized in sections. Each section is represented by a Content Type with the CustomSettings stereotype.
When creating such a section, remember to disable Creatable, Listable, Draftable and Securable metadata as they don't apply.


Don't mark any existing Content Type with this CustomSettings stereotype, as this will break existing content items of this type.

Custom Settings are then comprised of parts and fields like any other content type.
Once created, open the Setting menu item and each of these sections should appear alongside the module-provided ones.


Each Custom Settings section gets a dedicated permission to allow specific users to edit it.

To edit this permission open the Roles editor and go to the OrchardCore.CustomSettings Feature group.



The Custom Settings (like other settings) are available in the {{ Site.Properties }} object.
Each section is made available using its name.

For instance the HtmlBodyPart of a custom settings section named BlogSettings would be accessible using {{ Site.Properties.BlogSettings.HtmlBodyPart }}.


Custom Settings are a ContentItem, and by accessing it as a ContentItem you can access its parts and metadata.


You will need to register your ContentPart with Dependency Injection as demonstrated in the ContentTypes documentation.

Here is an example of getting the HtmlBodyPart of a custom settings section named BlogSettings:


These types may be modified in the CMS. It's important to make sure these types will not be modified outside of the development cycle when consuming them in code.

public class MyController : Controller
    private readonly ISiteService _siteService;
    public MyController(ISiteService siteService)
        _siteService = siteService;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
        var siteSettings = await _siteService.GetSiteSettingsAsync();
        var blogSettings = siteSettings.As<ContentItem>("BlogSettings");
        var blogHtml = blogSettings.As<HtmlBodyPart>();

        return View();