Autoroute (OrchardCore.Autoroute)

This module allows you to specify custom URLs (permalinks) for your content items.

Autoroute Part

Attach this part to a content type to specify custom URLs to your content items.

Then, go to the definition of a Content Type and edit the Autoroute Part:

  • Enter a Pattern using a Liquid expression that will represent the generated slug.

For example, for a content with a TitlePart that will use it to generate the slug :

{{ ContentItem | display_text | slugify }}

For instance, for a content type with a ListPart and a TitlePart (e.g.: BlogPost nested in a Blog) that will use the container and the title to generate the slug:

{{ ContentItem | container | display_text | slugify }}/{{ ContentItem | display_text | slugify }}
  • If you want to be able to enter a custom path when you edit a content item, check 'Allow custom path'.
  • If you want to be able to set a content item as the homepage, check 'Show homepage options'.

Using fields in patterns

Fields can also be used as part of the pattern. The following example uses a Text field named Color, on a Product content type. The text is slugified such that it is compatible with a URL.

{{ ContentItem.Content.Product.Color.Text | slugify }}

Autoroute Alias

Content items with an Autoroute can be retrieved by URL anywhere you can retrieve content by alias (see example below). The syntax for this is slug:<URL>, e.g. slug:my-blog/my-blog-post.


With Autoroute enabled, you can retrieve content by URL in your liquid views and templates:

{% assign my_content = Content["slug:my-blog/my-blog-post"] %}


{% assign my_content = Content.Slug["my-blog/my-blog-post"] %}