Queries (OrchardCore.Queries)

The queries module provides a management UI and APIs for querying data.

Creating custom query sources


Create a class inheriting from Query which will represent the state that is necessary to represent this new query.


Create a class implementing IQuerySource in order to expose the new type of query.
The query source can be registered like this:

services.AddScoped<IQuerySource, LuceneQuerySource>();


Queries are edited by providing a custom implementation of a DisplayDriver for the type Query.

public class LuceneQueryDisplayDriver : DisplayDriver<Query, LuceneQuery>

Queries dialog

When the list of query types is displayed, a template for the shape Query_Link__[QuerySource] will be used.
For instance, if the source is Lucene then the file Query-Lucene.Link.cshtml will be used.

Recipe step

Queries can be created during recipes using the queries step.
Here is a sample step:

    "name": "queries",
    "Queries": [ {
        // Common properties
        "Name": "AwesomeQuery",
        "Source": "Lucene",
        // Properties of the concrete query

Web APIs


Executes a query with the specified name.

Verbs: POST and GET

Parameter Example Description
name myQuery The name of the query to execute.
parameters { size: 3} A Json object representing the parameters of the query.

SQL Queries (OrchardCore.Queries.Sql)

This feature provide a new type of query targeting the SQL database.

Queries recipe step

Here is an example for creating a SQL query from a Queries recipe step:

    "Source": "Sql",
    "Name": "ContentItems",
    "Template": "select * from ContentItemIndex", // json encoded query template
    "ReturnDocuments": false

Liquid templates

You can access queries from liquid views and templates by using the Queries property. Queries are accessed by name, for example Queries.RecentBlogPosts.


The query filter provides a way to execute queries.

{% assign recentBlogPosts = Queries.RecentBlogPosts | query %}
{% for item in recentBlogPosts %}
{{ item | display_text }}
{% endfor %}

The example above will iterate over all the results of the query name RecentBlogPosts and display the text representing the content item.
Any available property on the results of the queries can be used. This example assumes the results will be content items.


The query filter allows you to pass in parameters to your parameterized queries. For example, a query called ContentItems that has two parameters (contentType and limit) can be called like this:

{% assign fiveBlogPosts = Queries.ContentItems | query: contentType: "BlogPost", limit: 5 %}

Razor Helpers

The QueryAsync and ContentQueryAsync Orchard Helper extension methods (in the OrchardCore.Queries and OrchardCore.ContentManagement namespaces respectively) allow you to run queries directly from razor pages.

You can use the DisplayAsync extension method (also in OrchardCore.ContentManagement) to display the content items returned from ContentQueryAsync.

For example, to run a query called LatestBlogPosts, and display the results:

@foreach (var contentItem in await OrchardCore.ContentQueryAsync("AllContent"))
    @await Orchard.DisplayAsync(contentItem)

The Razor Helper is accessible on the Orchard property if the view is using Orchard Core's Razor base class, or by injecting OrchardCore.IOrchardHelper in all other cases.

Executing SQL Queries

RDBMS support

Because RDBMS vendors support different SQL flavors this module will analyze the query you defined and render a specific one based on the RDBMS that is used.
This also allows the queries to be exported and shared across website instances even if they run on different RDBMS.


Here is an example of a query that returns all published Blog Posts:

    select DocumentId
    from ContentItemIndex 
    where Published = true and ContentType = 'BlogPost'

By selecting the "Return documents" options, the content items associated with the resulting DocumentId values are loaded.

The example below returns a custom set of values instead of content items:

    month(CreatedUtc) as [Month],
    year(CreatedUtc) as [Year],
    day(CreatedUtc) as [Day],
    count(*) as [Count]
from ContentItemIndex 
where Published = true and ContentType = 'BlogPost'
group by day(CreatedUtc), month(CreatedUtc), year(CreatedUtc)

SQL Parameters

Parameters can be provided when running queries.
Parameters are safe to use as they will always be parsed before being included in a query.
The syntax of a parameter is @name:default_value, where name is the name of the parameter, and default_value an expression (usually a literal) to use in case the parameter is not defined.

The following example loads the document ids for a parameterized content type:

select DocumentId
from ContentItemIndex 
where Published = true and ContentType = @contenttype:'BlogPost'

If the contenttype parameter is not passed when the query is invoked, then the default value is used.

Parameter names are case-sensitive.


A SQL query is actually a Liquid template. This allows your queries to be shaped based on the parameters it gets.
When injecting user-provided values, be sure to encode these such that they can't be exploited.
It is recommended to use parameters to inject values in the queries, and only use Liquid templates to change the shape of the query.

This example checks that a limit parameter is provided and if so uses it:

{% if limit > 0 %}
    select ... limit @limit
{% else %}
    select ...
{% endif %}


Use LIMIT [number] and OFFSET [number] to define paged results.

These statements will be converted automatically based on the RDBMS in use.

Helper functions

The SQL parser is also able to convert some specific functions to the intended dialect.

Name Description
second(_date_) Returns the seconds part of a date.
minute(_date_) Returns the minutes part of a date.
hour(_date_) Returns the hours part of a date.
day(_date_) Returns the days part of a date.
month(_date_) Returns the months part of a date.
year(_date_) Returns the years part of a date.


The following JavaScript functions are available with this module.

Function Description Signature
executeQuery Returns the result of the query. executeQuery(name: String, parameters: Dictionary<string,object>): IEnumerable<object>

