Email (OrchardCore.Email)

This module provides the infrastructure necessary to send emails using SMTP.

SMTP Settings

Enabling the OrchardCore.Email module will allow the user to set the following settings:

Setting Description
DefaultSender The email of the sender.
DeliveryMethod The method for sending the email, SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network (online) or SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory (offline).
PickupDirectoryLocation The directory location for the mailbox (SmtpDeliveryMethod.SpecifiedPickupDirectory).
Host The SMTP server.
Port The SMTP port.
AutoSelectEncryption Whether the SMTP select the encryption automatically.
RequireCredentials Whether the SMTP requires the user credentials.
UseDefaultCredentials Whether the SMTP will use the default credentials.
EncryptionMethod The SMTP encryption method SmtpEncryptionMethod.None, SmtpEncryptionMethod.SSLTLS or SmtpEncryptionMethodSTARTTLS.
UserName The username for the sender.
Password The password for the sender.



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