Body (OrchardCore.Html)



The following shapes are rendered when the HtmlBodyPart is attached to a content type:

Name Display Type Default Location Model Type
HtmlBodyPart Detail Content:5 HtmlBodyPartViewModel
HtmlBodyPart Summary Content:10 HtmlBodyPartViewModel


The following properties are available on the HtmlBodyPartViewModel class:

Property Type Description
Body string The content that was edited. It might contain tokens.
Html string The HTML content once all tokens have been processed.
ContentItem ContentItem The content item of the part.
HtmlBodyPart HtmlBodyPart The HtmlBodyPart instance.
TypePartSettings HtmlBodyPartSettings The settings of the part.


The following properties are available on HtmlBodyPart:

Name Type Description
Body string The HTML content in the body. It can contain Liquid tags so using it directly might result in unexpected results. Prefer rendering the HtmlBodyPart shape instead.
Content The raw content of the part.
ContentItem The content item containing this part.


The HtmlBody Part editor can be different for each content type. In the HtmlBody Part settings of a content type, just select the one that needs to be used.

There are two predefined editor names:

  • Default is the editor that is used by default.
  • Wysiwyg is the editor that provides a WYSIWYG experience.

Custom Editors

Customizing the editor can mean to replace the predefined one with different experiences, or to provide new options for the user to choose from.

To create a new custom editor, it is required to provide two shape templates, one to provide the name of the editor (optional if you want to override an existing one), and a shape to render the actual HTML for the editor.


To declare a new editor, create a shape named HtmlBody_Option__{Name} where {Name} is a value of your choosing. This will be represented by a file named HtmlBody-{Name}.Option.cshtml.

Sample content:

    string currentEditor = Model.Editor;
<option value="Wysiwyg" selected="@(currentEditor == "Wysiwyg")">@T["Wysiwyg editor"]</option>

HTML Editor

To define what HTML to render when the editor is selected from the settings, a shape named HtmlBody_Editor__{Name} corresponding to a file Body-{Name}.Editor.cshtml can be created.

Sample content:

@using OrchardCore.Html.ViewModels;
@model HtmlBodyPartViewModel

<fieldset class="form-group">
    <label asp-for="Body">@T["Body"]</label>
    <textarea asp-for="Body" rows="5" class="form-control"></textarea>
    <span class="hint">@T["The body of the content item."]</span>

Overriding the predefined editors

You can override the HTML editor for the Default editor by creating a shape file named
HtmlBody.Editor.cshtml. The Wysiwyg editor is defined by using the file named


Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Alexandre Demode (Alex-D)
License: MIT