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SMS (OrchardCore.Sms)

This module provides the infrastructure necessary to send messages using an SMS service.

SMS Settings

Enabling the SMS feature will add a new settings page under Configurations >> Settings >> SMS. You can utilize these settings to set up the default SMS provider configuration. The following are the providers that are readily accessible.

Provider Description
Log This particular provider is exclusively meant for debugging purposes and should never be used in a production environment. It permits the message to be written to the logs.
Twilio Opting for this provider enables the utilization of Twilio service for sending SMS messages. By choosing this provider, you will need to input your Twilio account settings.


After enabling the SMS feature, you must configure the default provider in order to send SMS messages.

Other Providers

The OrchardCore.Sms module provides you with the capability to integrate additional providers for dispatching SMS messages. To achieve this, you can easily create an implementation of the ISmsProvider interface and then proceed to register it using the following approach.

    services.AddSmsProvider<YourCustomImplemenation>("A technical name for your implementation")


When both the SMS and Workflows features are enabled at the same time, a new "Send SMS" workflow task will become available to allow you to send SMS message using workflow.

SMS Notification (OrchardCore.Notifications.Sms)

This feature provides you a way to send user notifications using SMS based on user preferences. Click here to read more about notifications.


Google's libphonenumber library