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Lists (OrchardCore.Lists)

A ListPart allows you to associate content items to a parent container (Ex: A blog contains a list of blog posts).



These shapes are available for theming when a ListPart is attached to a content item.

Name Display Type Default Location Model Type
ListPart Detail, DetailAdmin Content:10 ListPartViewModel


The following properties are available on the ListPartViewModel class.

Property Type Description
ListPart ListPart The ListPart instance.
ContentItems IEnumerable<ContentItem> The content items the part is made of.
ContainedContentTypeDefinitions IEnumerable<ContentTypeDefinition> The content types the list accepts.
Context BuildPartDisplayContext The current display context.
Pager dynamic The pager for the list.


The following properties are available on the ListPart class.

Name Type Description
Content The raw content of the part.
ContentItem The content item containing this part.


The following properties are available on the ListPartSettings class.

Name Type Description
PageSize The number of content items returned per page.
EnableOrdering Flag to enable drag and drop ordering of content items.
ContainedContentTypes The content types that may be contained by this part.


The following example is used to render the items of a ListPart and customize the pager.
For instance, it can be set in a file named Blog-ListPart.liquid to override the Blog content type only.

{% for item in Model.ContentItems %}
    {{ item | shape_build_display: "Summary" | shape_render }}
{% endfor %}

{% assign previousText = "Newer Posts" | t %}
{% assign nextText = "Older Posts" | t %}
{% assign previousClass = "previous" | t %}
{% assign nextClass = "next" | t %}

{% shape_pager Model.Pager previous_text: previousText, next_text: nextText,
    previous_class: previousClass, next_class: nextClass %}

{{ Model.Pager | shape_render }}

Orchard Helpers


Returns the count of IEnumerable<ContentItem> satisfying the given predicate.


Returns the IEnumerable<ContentItem> satisfying the given predicate.

Liquid Tags


The list_count filter counts published content items for a given ContentItem object or explicit ContentItem id given as a string in a list.


The list_items filter loads published content items for a given ContentItem object or explicit ContentItem id given as a string in a list.


Lucene Indexing

Breaking Change: Every content item that is contained in a list has a ContainedPart associated with it. The indexed data in Lucene before Orchard Core 1.1 was:


After 1.1 this has changed for also including the display order, so it is now:

"Content.ContentItem.ContainedPart.ListContentItemId" and