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Menu (OrchardCore.Menu)


The Menu shape is used to render a Menu.

Property Description
Model.ContentItemId If defined, contains the content item identifier of the menu to render.
Model.Items The list of menu items shapes for the menu. These are shapes of type MenuItem.
Model.Differentiator If defined, contains the formatted name of the menu (title). For instance MainMenu.
Definition Template Filename
Menu__[Differentiator] Menu__MainMenu Menu-MainMenu.cshtml
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav {{ Model.Classes | join: " " }}">
        {% for item in Model.Items %}
            {{ item | shape_render }}
        {% endfor %}
    TagBuilder tag = Tag(Model, "ul");
    tag.AddCssClass("nav navbar-nav");

    foreach (var item in Model.Items)
        tag.InnerHtml.AppendHtml(await DisplayAsync(item));


The MenuItem shape is used to render a menu item.

Property Description
Model.Menu The Menu shape owning this item.
Model.ContentItem The content item representing this menu item.
Model.Level The level of the menu item. 0 for top level menu items.
Model.Items The list of sub menu items shapes. These are shapes of type MenuItem.
Model.Differentiator If defined, contains the formatted name of the menu. For instance MainMenu.
Definition Template Filename
MenuItem__level__[level] MenuItem__level__2 MenuItem-level-2.cshtml
MenuItem__[ContentType] MenuItem__HtmlMenuItem MenuItem-HtmlMenuItem.cshtml
MenuItem__[ContentType]__level__[level] MenuItem__HtmlMenuItem__level__2 MenuItem-HtmlMenuItem-level-2.cshtml
MenuItem__[MenuName] MenuItem__MainMenu MenuItem-MainMenu.cshtml
MenuItem__[MenuName]__level__[level] MenuItem__MainMenu__level__2 MenuItem-MainMenu-level-2.cshtml
MenuItem__[MenuName]__[ContentType] MenuItem__MainMenu__HtmlMenuItem MenuItem-MainMenu-HtmlMenuItem.cshtml
MenuItem__[MenuName]__[ContentType]__level__[level] MenuItem__MainMenu__HtmlMenuItem__level__2 MenuItem-MainMenu-HtmlMenuItem-level-2.cshtml
<li class="nav-item{% if Model.HasItems %} dropdown{% endif %}">
    {% shape_clear_alternates Model %}
    {% shape_type Model "MenuItemLink" %}
    {{ Model | shape_render }}
    {% if Model.HasItems %}
    <div class="dropdown-menu">
        {% for item in Model.Items %}
        {{ item | shape_render }}
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    TagBuilder tag = Tag(Model, "li");

    if ((bool)Model.HasItems)

    // Morphing the shape to keep Model untouched
    Model.Metadata.Type = "MenuItemLink";

    tag.InnerHtml.AppendHtml(await DisplayAsync(Model));

    if ((bool)(Model.HasItems))
        TagBuilder parentTag = Tag(Model, "div");

        foreach (var item in Model.Items)
            item.ParentTag = parentTag;
            parentTag.InnerHtml.AppendHtml(await DisplayAsync(item));



The MenuItemLink shape is used to render a menu item link. This shape is created by morphing a MenuItem shape into a MenuItemLink. Hence all the properties available on the MenuItem shape are still available.

Property Description
Model.Menu The Menu shape owning this item.
Model.ContentItem The content item representing this menu item.
Model.Level The level of the menu item. 0 for top level menu items.
Model.Items The list of sub menu items shapes. These are shapes of type MenuItem.
Model.Differentiator If defined, contains the formatted name of the menu. For instance MainMenu.
Definition Template Filename
MenuItemLink__level__[level] MenuItemLink__level__2 MenuItemLink-level-2.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[ContentType] MenuItemLink__HtmlMenuItem MenuItemLink-HtmlMenuItem.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[ContentType]__level__[level] MenuItemLink__HtmlMenuItem__level__2 MenuItemLink-HtmlMenuItem-level-2.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[MenuName] MenuItemLink__MainMenu MenuItemLink-MainMenu.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[MenuName]__level__[level] MenuItemLink__MainMenu__level__2 MenuItemLink-MainMenu-level-2.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[MenuName]__[ContentType] MenuItemLink__MainMenu__HtmlMenuItem MenuItemLink-MainMenu-HtmlMenuItem.cshtml
MenuItemLink__[MenuName]__[ContentType]__level__[level] MenuItemLink__MainMenu__HtmlMenuItem__level__2 MenuItemLink-MainMenu-HtmlMenuItem-level-2.cshtml
{% assign link = Model.ContentItem.Content.LinkMenuItemPart %}

{% if Model.HasItems %}
    <a href="{{ link.Url | href }}" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle">{{ link.Name }}<b class="caret"></b></a>
{% else %}
    <a href="{{ link.Url | href }}" class="nav-link">{{ link.Name }}</a>
{% endif %}
@using OrchardCore.ContentManagement

    ContentItem contentItem = Model.ContentItem;
    var link = contentItem.Content["LinkMenuItemPart"];

if ((bool)(Model.HasItems))
    <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" href="@Url.Content((string)link.Url)">@link.Name<b class="caret"></b></a>
    <a class="nav-link" href="@Url.Content((string)link.Url)">@link.Name</a>

Mark active item in a menu

Some times you need to set a menu item as active if it is the currently displayed one. Because menus are cached, this must be done from javascript. OrchardCore.Menu module provides a script to help you with that.

function activateLinks(options,cb)
Parameter Description
options: {class:'active',selector:null,traverse:0} Use class to define what class you want to add to the parent of the anchor tag that has the current url as href. If you want to apply it to a child, set the selector property. Use the traverse to a positive number in order to seek a less specific url in the menu tree then the currently displayed on. ex. If you have a link to '/todo-items' in menu and you have navigated to '/todo-items/Create', it will try to find the item with traverse item less segments in the menu and activate it.
cb: function( items ) If it finds an active item, the call back is hit for extra configuration. ex. Expand a menu item if the active one is nested.
{% script at:"Foot", src:"~/OrchardCore.Menu/Scripts/activate-links.min.js", debug_src:"~/OrchardCore.Menu/Scripts/activate-links.js" %}
    <resources type="Footer" />
        (function ($) {
            $('#mainNav').activateLinks({ selector: 'a', traverse: 2 }, function (items) {
                var parents = $(items).closest(".has-treeview")
<script at="Foot" asp-src="~/OrchardCore.Menu/Scripts/activate-links.min.js" debug-src="~/OrchardCore.Menu/Scripts/activate-links.js"></script>
<resources type="Footer" />
    (function ($) {
        $('#mainNav').activateLinks({ selector: 'a', traverse: 2 }, function (items) {
            var parents = $(items).closest(".has-treeview")


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License: MIT
