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OpenID (OrchardCore.OpenId)

OpenID Connect Module

OrchardCore.OpenId provides the following features:

  • Core Components
  • Authorization Server
  • Management Interface
  • Token Validation
  • OIDC Client

Core Components

Registers the core components used by the OpenID module.

Management Interface

Allows adding, editing and removing the registered applications.

Authorization Server

Enables authentication of external applications using the OpenID Connect/OAuth 2.0 standards.
It is based on the OpenIddict library allowing Orchard Core to act as identity provider to support token authentication without the need of an external identity provider.

  • Orchard Core can also be used as an identity provider for centralizing the user access permissions to external applications.
  • Orchard Core services.
  • The authorization server feature maintains its own private JWT/validation handler instance for the userinfo API endpoint. This way, you don't have to enable the token validation feature for current tenant.

Flows supported: code/implicit/hybrid flows and client credentials/resource owner password grants.


Configuration can be set through the OpenID Connect settings menu in the admin dashboard and also through a recipe step.

Available settings are:

A sample of OpenID Connect Settings recipe step:

      "name": "OpenIdServerSettings",
      "TestingModeEnabled": false,
      "AccessTokenFormat": "JsonWebToken", // JsonWebToken or DataProtection
      "Authority": "",
      "SigningCertificateStoreLocation": "LocalMachine", //More info:
      "SigningCertificateStoreName": "My", //More info:
      "SigningCertificateThumbprint": "27CCA66EF38EF46CD9022431FB1FF0F2DF5CA1D7",
      "EncryptionCertificateStoreLocation": "LocalMachine",
      "EncryptionCertificateStoreName": "My",
      "EncryptionCertificateThumbprint": "BC34460ABEA2D576EA68E8FFCFEEB3F45C94FB0F",
      "EnableTokenEndpoint": true,
      "EnableAuthorizationEndpoint": false,
      "EnableLogoutEndpoint": true,
      "EnableUserInfoEndpoint": true,
      "AllowPasswordFlow": true,
      "AllowClientCredentialsFlow": false,
      "AllowAuthorizationCodeFlow": false,
      "AllowRefreshTokenFlow": false,
      "AllowImplicitFlow": false,
      "RequireProofKeyForCodeExchange" : false

Client OpenID Connect Apps Configuration

OpenID Connect apps can be set through OpenID Connect Apps menu in the admin dashboard (through the Management Interface feature) and also through a recipe step.

OpenID Connect apps require the following configuration.

  • Id: Unique identifier.
  • Client Id: Client identifier of the application. It has to be provided by a client when requesting a valid token.
  • Display Name: Display name associated with the current application.
  • Type: There are two options:
  • Confidential: Confidential applications MUST send their client secret when communicating with the token and revocation endpoints. This guarantees that only the legit client can exchange an authorization code or get a refresh token.
  • Public: Public applications don't use client secret on their communications.
  • Client Secret: Client secret is a password associated with the application. It will be required when the application is configured as Confidential.
  • Flows: If general OpenID Connect settings allow this flow, an app can also enable this flow.
  • Allow Password Flow: It requires that the Token Endpoint is enabled. More info at
  • Allow Client Credentials Flow: It requires that the Token Endpoint is enabled. More info at
  • Allow Authorization Code Flow: It requires that the Authorization and Token Endpoints are enabled. More info at
  • Allow Implicit Flow: It requires that the Authorization Endpoint is enabled. More info at
  • Allow Refresh Token Flow: It allows to refresh access token using a refresh token. It can be used in combination with Password Flow, Authorization Code Flow and Hybrid Flow. More info at
  • Normalized RoleNames: This configuration is only required if Client Credentials Flow is enabled. It determines the roles assigned to the app when it is authenticated using that flow.
  • Redirect Options: Those options are only required when Implicit Flow, Authorization Code Flow or Allow Hybrid Flow is required.
  • Logout Redirect Uri: logout callback URL.
  • Redirect Uri: callback URL.
  • Skip Consent: sets whether a consent form has to be completed by the user after log in.
  • Advanced Parameters: Allows setting additional parameters that can be sent with the authorize request. Note: The default parameters are set from the options above.
  • Require PKCE: Applies PKCE for the registered application. Ensure that the client library being used suppports PKCE.

A sample of OpenID Connect App recipe step:

      "name": "openidapplication",
      "ClientId": "openidtest",
      "DisplayName": "Open Id Test",
      "Type": "Confidential",
      "ClientSecret": "MyPassword",
      "EnableTokenEndpoint": true,
      "EnableAuthorizationEndpoint": false,
      "EnableLogoutEndpoint": true,
      "EnableUserInfoEndpoint": true,
      "AllowPasswordFlow": true,
      "AllowClientCredentialsFlow": false,
      "AllowAuthorizationCodeFlow": false,
      "AllowRefreshTokenFlow": false,
      "AllowImplicitFlow": false,
      "RequireProofKeyForCodeExchange": false

OpenID Connect Scopes Configuration

Scopes can be set through OpenID Connect Scopes menu in the admin dashboard (through the Management Interface feature) and also through a recipe step.

OpenID Connect Scopes require the following configuration.

Property Description
Name Unique name of the scope.
Display Name Display name associated with the current scope.
Description Describe how this scope is used in the system.
Tenants Build the audience based on tenants names.
Additional resources Build the audience based on the space separated strings provided.

A sample of OpenID Connect Scope recipe step:

      "name": "OpenIdScope",
      "Description": "A scope to provide audience for remote clients",
      "DisplayName": "External Audience Scope",
      "ScopeName": "custom_scope",
      "Resources": "my_recipient"

Configuring Certificates

Windows / IIS

Several tools are available for generating a signing certificate on Windows and/or IIS, for example:

  • IIS Server Manager (offers limited control)
    1. Server Certificates
    2. Create Self-Signed Certificate
  • PowerShell (offers full control)
    1. New-SelfSignedCertificate, for example:
# See

New-SelfSignedCertificate `
    -Subject "" `
    -FriendlyName " Signing Certificate" `
    -CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My" `
    -KeySpec Signature `
    -KeyUsage DigitalSignature `
    -KeyUsageProperty Sign `
    -TextExtension @("{text}") `
    -KeyExportPolicy NonExportable `
    -KeyAlgorithm RSA `
    -KeyLength 4096 `
    -HashAlgorithm SHA256 `
    -NotAfter (Get-Date).AddDays(825) `
    -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider"

This snippet must be run as admin. It generates a 4096-bit signing certificate, stores it in the machine store and returns the certificate's thumbprint, which you need in the OpenID Connect Settings recipe or when exporting the certificate through PowerShell. You should update this example according to your requirements!

In multi-node environments consider creating the certificate with -KeyExportPolicy Exportable, then export the certificate (PFX) to a secure location, using the MMC Certificates Snap-In or PowerShell Export-PfxCertificate, and subsequently import the certificate on each node as non-exportable, which is the default when using Import-PfxCertificate. For example:

# See
# Run this on the machine where the certificate was generated:

$mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "MySecretPassword123" -Force -AsPlainText

Export-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\securelocation\ cert:\localMachine\my\thumbprintfromnewselfsignedcertificate -Password $mypwd

# See
# Run this on the target node:

$mypwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "MySecretPassword123" -Force -AsPlainText

Import-PfxCertificate -FilePath C:\securelocation\ cert:\localMachine\my -Password $mypwd

Important: In order for the OrchardCore.OpenId module to use the certificate's keys for signing, it requires Read access to the certificate in the store. This can be granted in various ways, for example:

  • MMC.exe
    1. Add Snap-In 'Certificates' for Computer Account
    2. Right-Click relevant certificate and select All Tasks, Manage Private Keys
    3. Add the relevant identity (e.g. IIS AppPool\PoolName)
      • Add
      • Advanced
      • Locations: Choose iis server machine name
      • Find Now
      • Search Results: Choose your iisServerMachineName\IIS_IUSRS (just one example)
      • OK
    4. Check Allow Read under Permissions
  • WinHttpCertCfg.exe (grants Full Control)
    1. For example: winhttpcertcfg -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\My -s -a AppPoolIdentityName

Use the Certificate in Azure

To use the certificate on an Azure hosted site.

  1. Upload the certificate to the 'TLS/SSL settings' page of the site Azure portal page.
  2. Add a new entry to the Azure site setting page with the following:
    • Value: [Thumbprint of the certificate]
  3. Select the certificate under CurrentUser > My certificate store.

Token Validation

  • Validates tokens issued by the Orchard OpenID server
  • Configure the validation feature to transparently use the server configuration of another tenant, which has the authorization server feature enabled.
  • Validates token by a remote server supporting JWT and OpenID Connect discovery.

Token Validation require the following configuration.

Property Description
Authorization server tenant The tenant that runs OpenID Connect Server. If none is selected, then the following properties must be provided.
Authority The address of the remote OpenID Connect server that issued the token.
Audience Defines the intended recipient of the token that must be checked.

A sample of Token Validation Settings recipe step:

      "name": "OpenIdValidationSettings",
      "Audience": "my_recipient",
      "Authority": ""

OIDC Client

Authenticates users from an external OpenID Connect identity provider. If the site allows to register new users, a local user is linked and the external login is linked. If an "email" claim is received, and a local user is found, then the external login is linked to that account, after authenticating.

OpenId Configuration

Configuration can be set through the OpenID Connect settings menu in the admin dashboard and also through a recipe step.

Available settings are:

A sample of OpenID Connect Client Settings recipe step:

      "name": "OpenIdClientSettings",
      "Authority": "http://localhost:44300/t1",
      "DisplayName": "Orchard (t1) IdP",
      "ClientId": "orchard_t2", 
      "CallbackPath": "/signin-oidc",
      "SignedOutCallbackPath": "/signout-callback-oidc",
      "Scopes": "email phone",
      "ResponseMode": "form_post",
      "ResponseType": "code id_token",
      "ClientSecret": "secret"