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Admin Dashboard (OrchardCore.AdminDashboard)

Admin widgets are created using content items and can be secured like any other content item. To create a content type as a dashboard widget, ensure that the content type includes at least the following steps:

  • Assign the DashboardWidget stereotype to the content type.
  • Attach the DashboardPart part to the content type.

Creating a New Widget

To create a new widget of the recently created content type, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in with a user with ManageAdminDashboard permission and navigate to the admin dashboard (accessible at /admin endpoint).
  2. Locate and click on the Manage Dashboard button. If the button is not visible, ensure that you have the ManageAdminDashboard permission.
  3. Click the Add Widget button and select the newly created content type.
  4. Complete the form and click the Publish button.

Please note that users lacking the ManageAdminDashboard permission will require the AccessAdminDashboard permission to view the admin dashboard, in addition to the ViewContent or permission.

Widget Configuration

Each widget has the following customizable settings:

Option Description
Position A numeric value indicating the widget's order on the page.
Width An integer value between 1 and 6, representing the widget's width on the screen. Please note that 1 indicates (⅙) of the screen, while 6 signifies full screen width.
Height An integer value between 1 and 6, representing the widget's height on the screen. Please note that 1 indicates (⅙) of the screen, while 6 signifies full screen height.


If you wish to modify the look of your widget, consider incorporating a template named DashboardWidget-{ContentType}.DetailAdmin.cshtml, where {ContentType} represents the specific technical name of your content type. Below is an illustration of a template that introduces spacing around the widget:

<div class="card h-100 @string.Join(' ', Model.Classes.ToArray())">
    @if (Model.Header != null || Model.Leading != null || Model.ActionsMenu != null)
        <div class="card-header">
            @await DisplayAsync(Model.Leading)
            @await DisplayAsync(Model.Header)
            @if (Model.ActionsMenu != null)
                <div class="btn-group float-end" title="@T["Actions"]">
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm " data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
                        <i class="fa-solid fa-ellipsis-v" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                    <div class="actions-menu dropdown-menu">
                        @await DisplayAsync(Model.ActionsMenu)
    <div class="dashboard-body-container card-body p-2 h-100">
        @if (Model.Tags != null || Model.Meta != null)
            <div class="dashboard-meta">
                @await DisplayAsync(Model.Meta)
                @await DisplayAsync(Model.Tags)
        @await DisplayAsync(Model.Content)
    @if (Model.Footer != null)
        <div class="card-footer">
            @await DisplayAsync(Model.Footer)
