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Layers (OrchardCore.Layers)

The Layers can be managed from the Design > Widgets page in the admin.

A Layer has a name, a description and a rule in which you specify a condition to render the widgets that will be associated to this Layer.

Create Layer.

The Layer needs to be saved first to reveal the Rule option.

When you add a widget into a zone, you must also select a Layer to associate the widget with. The widget is displayed if the Layer's corresponding display rule evaluates to true.

Add widget.

You can select the checkbox next to each Layer in order to highlight the associated Widgets on the left.

In the rule you may specify multiple conditions which must evaluate to true, or you can use condition groups, All or Any, to vary the rule.


There can be multiple Rules in place for one Layer.


Layer rules have been upgraded from a single JavaScript rule to conditions during RC2, so this document may differ depending on your version. A migration converts existing JavaScript rules into either matching conditions or JavaScript conditions.


Here are some available conditions:

Condition Description
Homepage Whether the current page is the site homepage
Is anonymous Whether the current user is anonymous, i.e. not authenticated.
Is authenticated Whether the current user is authenticated.
Role A role condition evaluates the current users roles against a value.
Url A url condition evaluates the current url against a value.
Culture A culture condition evaluates the current ui culture against a value.
Content Type A content type condition evaluates the currently displayed content types against a value.
Javascript A script condition written in JavaScript.
All An all condition group contains other conditions which are all required to be true.
Any An any condition group contains other conditions but only requires any condition to be true.
Boolean A boolean condition evaluating to true or false.

Ex: The Always Layer has a Boolean Condition set to true, so widgets on this Layer will always be shown.

Refer to Rules for more information about creating custom conditions.

Refer to Scripting for more information about the available JavaScript methods.


The zones that are listed can be set in the Design > Settings > Zones admin page.

You must have declared the corresponding zones as sections in your theme:

{% render_section "Header", required: false %}
@await RenderSectionAsync("Header", required: false)
