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The below table lists the different code/features areas and their owners:

Owner Area
Jean-Thierry Kéchichian Infrastructure, Build, Distributed Services
Sipke Schoorstra Forms, Workflows
Nicholas Mayne GraphQL
Carl Woodhouse GraphQL
Kévin Chalet OpenID
Dean Marcussen Azure, Media, Shortcodes, Sitemaps, Taxonomies
Antoine Griffard Docs, Crowdin Translations, Try, Website
Hisham Bin Ateya Cultures, Email, Localization, RTL, Translation, UI
Jean-Philippe Tissot Localization, Tests
Larrem Panganiban Workshops
Lukas Kabrt Po files extractor
Matias Molleja Media
Michael Petrinolis External authentication providers
Zoltán Lehóczky PublishLater, Preview packages
Sébastien Ros YesSql, Fluid, Jint, Shortcodes
Jasmin Savard Lucene, Indexing, Admin, UI
Bertrand Le Roy Commerce module
Mike Alhayek Azure AI Search, Notifications, SMS