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Scripting (OrchardCore.Scripting)


The scripting module provides an API allowing you to evaluate custom scripts in different languages.


Executing some script

The main interface is IScriptingManager

To evaluate an expression using a scripting engine, you must know which ones are available in the system.
For instance, a JavaScript one is available by default and its prefix is js.
To return the current date and time as an object we could do something like this:

var scriptingManager = serviceProvider.GetService<IScriptingManager>();

// Find the javascript engine by its prefix
var engine = scriptingManager.GetScriptingEngine("js");

// Find all global methods in the system. Here you could add more methods to the scope as needed
var globalMethods = _scriptingManager.GlobalMethodProviders.SelectMany(x => x.GetMethods());

// Create scope for the engine
var scope = engine.CreateScope(globalMethods, serviceProvider, null, null);

// Evaluate the given script
var date = engine.Evaluate("js: new Date().toISOString()");

The js: prefix is used to describe in which language the code is written. Any module can provide a new scripting engine by implementing the IScriptingEngine interface.

Customizing the scripting environment

Any module can provide custom methods for scripts independently of the chosen language.
For instance the Contents module provides a uuid() helper method that computes a unique content item identifier.

To create a global method, implement the IGlobalMethodProvider. Then, add it to the current IScriptingManager instance by registering it as a singleton in your Module's Startup

 services.AddSingleton<IGlobalMethodProvider, MyGlobalMethodProvider>();


The File scripting engine provides methods to read file contents.

Name Example Description
text file:text('../wwwroot/template.html') Returns the content of a text file.
base64 file:base64('../wwwroot/image.jpg') Returns the base64 encoded content of a file.

JavaScript OrchardCore.Scripting.JavaScript

The JavaScript scripting module implements a IScriptingEngine that uses Esprima.NET to evaluate scripts.


Here is a list of javascript methods provided by Orchard Modules.

Generic functions

Function Description
log(level: String, text: String, param: Object): void Formats and writes a log message at the specified log level.
uuid(): String Generates a unique identifier for a content item.
base64(String): String Decodes the specified string from Base64 encoding. Use to convert your files to base64.
html(String): String Decodes the specified string from HTML encoding.
gzip(String): String Decodes the specified string from gzip/base64 encoding. Use to gzip your strings.

Content (OrchardCore.Contents)

Function Description
newContentItem(contentTypeName: String): IContent Creates a new instance of a ContentType (does not persist)
createContentItem(contentTypeName: String, publish: Boolean, properties: Object): IContent Creates and persists a new ContentItem. Conditionally publishes it.
updateContentItem(contentItem: IContent, properties: Object) Updates an existing content item with the properties
deleteContentItem(contentItem: IContent) Deletes an existing content item
getUrlPrefix(path: String): String Prefixes the path with the Tenant prefix (if specified)

Layers (OrchardCore.Layers)

Function Description
isHomepage(): Boolean Returns true if the current request Url is the current homepage
isAnonymous(): Boolean Returns true if there is no authenticated user on the current request
isAuthenticated(): Boolean Returns true if there is an authenticated user on the current request
url(url: String): Boolean Returns true if the current url matches the provided url. Add a * to the end of the url parameter to match any url that start with
culture(name: String): Boolean Returns true if the current culture name or the current culture's parent name matches the name argument

Queries (OrchardCore.Queries)

Function Description
executeQuery(name: String, parameters: Dictionary<string,object>): IEnumerable<object> Returns the result of the query.

HTTP (OrchardCore.Workflows.Http)

Function Description
httpContext(): HttpContext Returns the HttpContext which encapsulates all HTTP-specific information about an individual HTTP request.
queryString(name: String): String | Array Returns the entire query string (including the leading ?) when invoked with no arguments, or the value(s) of the parameter name passed in as an argument.
responseWrite(text: String): void Writes the argument string directly to the HTTP response stream.
absoluteUrl(relativePath: String): String Returns the absolute URL for the relative path argument.
readBody(): String Returns the raw HTTP request body.
requestForm(name: String): String | Array Returns the value(s) of the form field name passed in as an argument.
deserializeRequestData(): Dictionary<string, object> Deserializes the request data as a Dictionary for requests that send JSON or form data. Replaces deprecated queryStringAsJson and requestFormAsJson methods

Recipes (OrchardCore.Recipes)

Function Description
variables() Declare variables at the root of a recipe. Ex: "variables": { "blogContentItemId": "[js:uuid()]" } Retrieve a variable value like this: "ContentItemId": "[js: variables('blogContentItemId')]"
parameters() Retrieves the parameters specified during the setup. Ex: "Owner": "[js: parameters('AdminUserId')]" See the available Setup Recipe parameters
configuration(key: String, defaultValue: String) Retrieves the specified configuration setting by its key, optionally providing a default. Ex: [js: configuration('OrchardCore_Admin:AdminUrlPrefix', 'Admin')] See IShellConfiguration

Workflows (OrchardCore.Workflows.Http)

The following JavaScript functions are available by default to any workflow activity that supports script expressions:

Function Description
workflow(): WorkflowExecutionContext Returns the WorkflowExecutionContext which provides access to all information related to the current workflow execution context.
workflowId(): String Returns the unique workflow ID.
input(name: String): Any Returns the input parameter with the specified name. Input to the workflow is provided when the workflow is executed by the workflow manager.
output(name: String, value: Any): void Sets an output parameter with the specified name. Workflow output can be collected by the invoker of the workflow.
property(name: String): Any Returns the property value with the specified name. Properties are a dictionary that workflow activities can read and write information from and to.
lastResult(): Any Returns the value that the previous activity provided, if any.
correlationId(): String Returns the correlation value of the workflow instance.
setCorrelationId(id:string): void Set the correlation value of the workflow instance.
signalUrl(signal: String): String Returns workflow trigger URL with a protected SAS token into which the specified signal name is encoded. Use this to generate URLs that can be shared with trusted parties to trigger the current workflow if it is blocked on the Signal activity that is configured with the same signal name.
setOutcome(outcome: String): void Adds the provided outcome to the list of outcomes of the current activity
createWorkflowToken(workflowTypeId: String, activityId: String, expiresInDays: Integer): String Generates a workflow SAS token for the specidied workflowTypeid, activityId. You can also set the expiration date in number of days.