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Content Fields (OrchardCore.ContentFields)

This module provides common content fields.
Some fields are available in their specific module.

Available Fields

Name Properties
BooleanField bool Value
ContentPickerField string[] ContentItemIds
DateField DateTime? Value
DateTimeField DateTime? Value
HtmlField string Html
LinkField string Url, string Text
LocalizationSetContentPickerField string[] LocalizationSets
MarkdownField string Markdown
MediaField string[] Paths
MultiTextField string[] Values
NumericField decimal? Value
GeoPointField decimal Latitude, decimal Longitude
TaxonomyField string TaxonomyContentItemId, string[] TaxonomyContentItemId
TextField string Text
TimeField TimeSpan? Value
UserPickerField string[] UserIds
YoutubeField string EmbeddedAddress, string RawAddress


Each field is rendered by a corresponding Shape Type that is using its own a Display view model.
Ex: BooleanField is rendered by a shape type called BooleanField with a DisplayBooleanFieldViewModel.


From a Content template, you can reference a field's value like this (if the content type is Article and has a Text Field named MyField):

{{ Model.ContentItem.Content.Article.MyField.Text }}
var fieldValue = Model.ContentItem.Content.Article.MyField.Text;

From a field shape (see Shape Type in the table listing all the fields) you can also access properties specific to each view model.

Common field properties

The convention for a field view model is to also expose these properties:

Property Description
Field The ContentField.
Part The ContentPart that contains the field.
PartFieldDefinition The Content Part Field Definition that contains the part. Which also give access to the Content Type

Some view models have special properties that are computed from the actual field data and which are more useful for templating.



Property Description
Html The processed HTML, once all liquid tags have been processed.

Html Field Example

{{ Model.Html }}

or, to display the raw content before the tags are converted:

{{ Model.Field.Html }}



Property Description
LocalDateTime The date time in the time zone of the site.

DateTime Field Example

{{ Model.LocalDateTime }}

or, to display the UTC value before it is converted:

{{ Model.Value }}


ContentPicker Field Example

{% assign contentItems = Model.ContentItemIds | content_item_id %}
{% for contentItem in contentItems %}
    {{ contentItem.DisplayText }}
{% endfor %}
@foreach (var contentItem in await Orchard.GetContentItemsByIdAsync(Model.ContentItemIds))

Or to render the referenced content item:

{% assign contentItems = Model.ContentItemIds | content_item_id %}
{% for contentItem in contentItems %}
    {{ contentItem | shape_build_display: "Detail" | shape_render }}
{% endfor %}
@foreach (var contentItem in await Orchard.GetContentItemsByIdAsync(Model.ContentItemIds))
    @await Orchard.DisplayAsync(contentItem, "Detail")


This field allows you to store the LocalizationSet of a ContentItem, when a reference shouldn't point to a specific culture of a content item.
This simplifies getting a content item of the correct culture on the frontend.

The following example uses the localization_set liquid filter which returns a single ContentItem per set based on the request culture, if no culture is specified.

LocalizationSet ContentPicker Field Example

{% assign contentItems = Model.LocalizationSets | localization_set %}
{% for contentItem in contentItems %}
    {{ contentItem.DisplayText }}
{% endfor %}
@model OrchardCore.ContentFields.ViewModels.DisplayLocalizationSetContentPickerFieldViewModel
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Localization

@inject OrchardCore.ContentLocalization.IContentLocalizationManager ContentLocalizationManager;

    var currentCulture = Context.Features.Get<IRequestCultureFeature>().RequestCulture.Culture.Name;
    var contentItems = await ContentLocalizationManager.GetItemsForSetsAsync(Model.LocalizationSets, currentCulture);
foreach (var contentItem in contentItems)
    <span class="value">@contentItem.DisplayText</span>
    if (contentItem != contentItems.Last())

UserPicker Field

The User Picker field allows you to relate users to a content item.

When adding the field to a content type, use the settings to specify whether to

  • List all users,
  • List users from specific roles.

UserPicker Field Example

{% assign users = Model.UserIds | users_by_id %}
{% for user in users %}
    {{ user.UserName }} - {{ user.Email }}
{% endfor %}
@model OrchardCore.ContentFields.ViewModels.DisplayUserPickerFieldViewModel
@using OrchardCore.Mvc.Utilities

    var name = (Model.PartFieldDefinition.PartDefinition.Name + "-" + Model.PartFieldDefinition.Name).HtmlClassify();
    var users = await @Orchard.GetUsersByIdsAsync(Model.UserIds);

<div class="field field-type-userpickerfield field-name-@name">
    <span class="name">@Model.PartFieldDefinition.DisplayName()</span>
    @if (users.Any())
        foreach (var user in users)
            <span class="value">@user.UserName</span>
            if (user != users.Last())
        <span class="value">@T["No users."]</span>


MultiText Field


Creating Custom Fields

What to extend

Before creating a new field, the solution might be to provide a custom editor and formatter instead.

A field should represent some specific physical data and logical data. The same field can be customized to be edited and rendered differently using both Editors and Formatters. Editors are shapes that can be used to edit a field differently, for instance the WYSIWYG HTML editor is a custom editor for the HTML field. Formatters are alternate shapes that can be used to render a field on the front end, for instance a Link field could be rendered as a Youtube video player.

Model Class

Create a class inheriting from ContentField that will represent the state of your field. Its content will be serialized as part of the content item. Json.NET classes can be used to customize the serialization.


public class TextField : ContentField
    public string Text { get; set; }

This class needs to be registered in the DI like this:


Display Driver

The display driver is the component that drives how the field is displayed on the front end, edited on the admin, updated and validated.

Create a class inheriting from ContentFieldDisplayDriver<TextField> and implement the three methods Display, Edit and DisplayAsync by looking at examples from this module.

This class needs to be registered in the DI like this:


This will register the display driver for use with all display modes and editors.

Creating Custom Display Modes

For each field, the convention is to create an alternate that can target different display modes. To provide a new choice in the list of available editors for a field, create a new shape template that matches this TextField-Header.DisplayOption template: {FIELDTYPE}_DisplayOption__{DISPLAYMODE} This shape type will match a template file named {FIELDTYPE}-{DISPLAYMODE}.DisplayOption.cshtml

This template will need to render an <option> tag. Here is an example for a Header display mode options on the Text Field:

    string currentDisplayMode = Model.DisplayMode;
<option value="Header" selected="@(currentDisplayMode == "Header")">@T["Header"]</option>

Then, you can create the display mode shape by adding a file named {FIELDTYPE}_Display__{DISPLAYMODE} which is represented by a template file named {FIELDTYPE}-{DISPLAYMODE}.Display.cshtml.

For instance, the filename for the Header Display Mode on the Text Field is named TextField-Header.Display.cshtml.

Creating Custom Editors

For each field, the convention is to create an alternate that can target different editors. To provide a new choice in the list of available editors for a field, create a new shape template that matches this template: {FIELDTYPE}_Option__{EDITORNAME} This shape type will match a template file named {FIELDTYPE}-{EDITORNAME}.Option.cshtml

This template will need to render an <option> tag. Here is an example for a Wysiwyg options on the Html Field:

    string currentEditor = Model.Editor;
<option value="Wysiwyg" selected="@(currentEditor == "Wysiwyg")">@T["Wysiwyg editor"]</option>

Then you can create the editor shape by adding a file named {FIELDTYPE}_Edit__{EDITORNAME} which is represented by a template file named {FIELDTYPE}-{EDITORNAME}.Edit.cshtml.

For instance the filename for the Wysiwyg editor on the Html Field is named HtmlField-Wysiwyg.Edit.cshtml.

Customising Display Driver Registration

For both Display Modes and Editors you can customise the Display Driver that will be resolved for the particular mode.

This allows you to create custom display drivers that might return a different ViewModel to the standard Display Driver.

Alter the registration for an existing Field Type or Driver Type in your modules Startup.cs

    .ForDisplayMode<TextFieldDisplayDriver>(d => String.IsNullOrEmpty(d))
    .ForDisplayMode<MyCustomTextFieldDisplayDriver>(d => d == "MyCustomDisplayMode");

This example will alter the registration for the TextFieldDisplayDriver to resolve for only the Standard (null) display mode, and register MyCustomTextFieldDisplayDriver to resolve for only the custom display mode.

    .ForEditor<TextFieldDisplayDriver>(d => d != "MyCustomEditor")
    .ForEditor<MyCustomTextFieldDisplayDriver>(d => d == "MyCustomEditor");

This example will alter the registration for the TextFieldDisplayDriver to resolve for all editors except the custom editor, and register MyCustomTextFieldDisplayDriver to resolve for only the custom editor.


When registering a custom display mode or editor driver you must alter the registrations for existing drivers. You should also take a dependency in your modules Manifest.cs on the module that the fields reside in. This will make your modules Startup.cs run later, and allow your registrations to override the original modules.
